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Ammonia (NH3) gas tank (stationary – 3 ton)

Ammonia is one of the most widely used mineral chemicals, with global production reaching 175 million tons in 2018. Anhydrous ammonia is classified by DOT as a non-flammable gas, Group 2.2, with an inhalation hazard. Compressed air should not be used in the transfer of ammonia from containers and cargo tanks as it contaminates the ammonia. Ammonia is flammable in the range of 16 to 25 percent by volume in air, but the mixture with oil expands this range. Therefore, ensuring the absence of flame sources or sparks in storage or use areas of ammonia is essential.

From a geometric perspective, ammonia tanks come in cylindrical and spherical shapes. And in terms of storage method, they are categorized into fixed and transport types. Fixed tanks are classified into two types: aboveground and underground. Transport tanks, according to design and construction standards, are categorized into Cargo tanks, Fixed tanks, and ISO tanks.

Ammonia is used in the production of various chemical fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, and urea, as well as in pharmaceutical manufacturing, ice-making factories, cold storage facilities, refrigeration industries, nitric acid production, chemical and petroleum industries, nitrogen compound production, gas transmission technology, drilling and extraction of various metals, explosive materials, leather tanning, metal smelting processes, rubber and fiber industries (preventing premature aging of rubber), paper and wood pulp industries, metallurgy (extraction of metals such as copper, zinc, and nickel), and food preservation.